石油科技论坛 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 30-36.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-302x.2023.05.005

• 科技管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油集团测井有限公司
  • 出版日期:2023-11-30 发布日期:2023-12-01
  • 作者简介:石玉江,1971年生,2011年毕业于西北大学矿产普查与勘探专业,博士,教授级高级工程师,现任中国石油集团测井有限公司副总经理,主要从事测井技术应用、地质综合研究与管理工作。
  • 基金资助:

Construction and Thinking of Working Model for Integration of CNLC with Oilfield Companies

Shi Yujiang   

  1. China National Logging Corporation, Xi’an 710077, China
  • Online:2023-11-30 Published:2023-12-01

摘要: 随着国内勘探开发主体转向超深层、非常规、老区外围及剩余油,测井发展面临着工作对象日益复杂、井筒环境日趋恶劣、评价需求趋向综合、作用发挥亟待提高等系列挑战,对测井地质工程一体化的需求迫切。近年来,中油测井主动融入油田勘探开发,从组织体系、数据平台、支撑模式、科研攻关等方面加大与油田的结合力度,创新建立了油田公司与测井公司一体化工作模式。具体措施包括:推进融入式服务、前后方协同,构建“靠前+集中”服务模式;建设测井大数据平台,建立专家协同环境,打造统一数据与集成应用平台;开展油藏测井综合研究,有效支撑新区效益建产、老油气田稳产;建立专家协同支持机制、人才交流机制,加强针对性技术培训,压实岗位责任,着力建设复合型解释人才团队。通过实施一体化工作模式,推动测井应用从单井向油藏、从注重地质向地质工程一体化、从传统解释向大数据智能解释转变,在勘探发现和增储上产中发挥了主力军作用。

关键词: 测井;油田;一体化;工作模式;复合型人才

Abstract: As China’s domestic exploration and development is turning to super-deep layers, unconventional resources, the surrounding zones of old areas, and remaining oil, logging development faces a series of challenges, such as more complicated working targets, more deteriorating wellbore environment, the trend of evaluation towards comprehensiveness, and the effects to be improved. There is an urgent demand for logging geological and engineering integration. In recent years, CNLC has actively involved itself in oilfield exploration and development and strengthened efforts for combination with oilfields in the areas of organizational system, data platform, support model and scientific research, thus creating the innovative work model for integration of CNLC with oilfield companies. The model includes promoting the combination-based service, making synergies between the frontline and the rear area, creating the “front + concentration” service model, constructing the logging big data platform, establishing the environment for synergy of experts, and developing the unified data and integrated application platform. Based on an integrated study of oil reservoirs and logging, CNLC effectively supported construction of productivity in new areas, helped old oil and gas fields keep their production stable, established the experts-based support mechanism and the talents-exchanging mechanism, strengthened the tailored technological training, identified the responsibilities of work posts, and focused on development of compound talents for interpretation. With the integrated work model put in place, CNLC accelerated the transition of logging application from single well to oil reservoirs, from emphasis on geology to geological-engineering integration, and from traditional interpretation to big data intelligent interpretation, allowing the company to play a backbone role in exploration discoveries and increase of reserves and production

Key words: logging, oilfield, integration, working model, compound talents
